The UK High Court decided that UK Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and the law firm Dechert must compensate for damages Eurasian Resources Group (ENG) for their illegal actions. This is a major victory for the Kazakh mining company ENG. As reported by portugalnews,сompensation could reach significant amounts, running into millions of pounds.

Venture Capital Investment

Venture capital (VC) is finance provided to start-up enterprises with a strong potential for growth in the near future. These investments are typically associated with a high level of risk for investors, which is offset by the possibility of receiving substantial profits. VC firms have specific criteria for investment and are highly involved in the businesses they invest in, both financially and operationally.

While cost savings are a major benefit, IT teams need to balance the value of SD-WAN with other business priorities. This includes maintaining security, application flow, and connectivity to cloud and on-premises services.

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