Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey and Lilybug Scooters, a designated-driver service that takes customers home in their own vehicles, have partnered to increase safety on the roads throughout the busy summer season. Lilybug Scooters operates in Southampton, Hampton Bays, Shinnecock, North Sea, Water Mill, Bridge Hampton, and East Hampton.
A white smile plays a big role in how you look and how you appear to others, and if you have doubts about the whiteness of your smile, it's hard to feel at your most confident. Many people find themselves wondering if they should under go teeth whitening treatments at some point in their lives, as tooth stains and discolouration are very common problems.
You are flying home to spend Christmas with your family. You look out of the window and suddenly you see ... Santa Claus! This is not a fairy tale or a scene from a Christmas movie - it's an original spot by KLM. Christmas wishes can be made in many ways. They can be formal, traditional or just plain fun - in the form of a card, or a video, and KLM has indeed done it in a very original way.