Regular cleaning
Whether you have a heavy piano or a lightweight digital keyboard, it is important that you keep it clean. Clean the keys regularly so that dust doesn’t settle in between them, affecting the performance of the piano. Instruments kept out in the open must be dusted every day and cleaned with a solution once a week at least. Instrument that are kept in a case and shielded from the elements can be cleaned after every use. Just by preventing dust from settling on the instrument, you can extensively prolong the life of an instrument. Fun piano lessons are important for your learning curve, but so is knowledge on how to maintain the instrument.
Cleaning cloth
The choice of a cleaning cloth for cleaning the piano must be made carefully. Never use random rags lying around to clean as they might scratch the instrument. Similarly, avoid paper napkins, wet or dry. The cloth used for cleaning must be soft and pliable. The best cloths for cleaning purposes are chamois, cheesecloth or flannel. Keep a few pieces of this cleaning material handy, exclusively for cleaning the piano and refrain from using them for other purposes. Make sure that the cloth is colour-fast because you don’t want to leave stains while cleaning.
Cleaning material
There are a large number of cleaning materials available in the market, but many of them are too harsh to be used on your piano. It is best to just use plain water with a little soft detergent dissolved in it. Dampen your cloth in the water and rub it over each white key until it is free of dust and fingerprint smudges. Then use another piece of dry cloth and wipe off the moisture completely. Repeat the same procedure for the black keys. Be very careful not to leave any moisture on the keys or allow any water to seep in between the keys as this can harm your keyboard.
Whitening the keys
Gleaming white keys contrasting with the black keys are pure pleasure to observe when you play on a keyboard. Keep these keys in great shape is not always easy. Apart from cleaning them regularly, sometimes you might want to deliberately whiten them. Never use bleach or any kind of corrosive material on the keys. Instead, just buff them up with toothpaste and then wipe them with a damp cloth. Use a dry cloth in the end to prevent moisture from remaining on the keys.
Taking care of your keyboard is essential if you want your instrument to work for a long time. With the help of the above tips, you can have clean, shiny and beautiful instrument, it will be pure pleasure playing the piano. For more information on keyboards and pianosComputer Technology Articles, visit our website at