Almost every business needs to resort to credit at some point and this does not necessarily demonstrate a financial health problem . It can be used to reorganize accounts or to finance business expansion, for example, or to meet a momentary need for working capital.
Nowadays many companies think very differently than 30 or 40 years ago, something that is part of the technological changes produced in recent years and also in the change of mentality of those in charge of running the organizations. We have companies like Google, Facebook and others that think that in order to improve productivity, employees need a bit of distraction and entertainment during their work day and that is why they designed special rooms, with games, offer snacks and refreshments, as well as other hobbies. which allow employees to "take off" a little work stress.
The laptop market is indeed facing fierce competition. You will find new and improved versions of laptops almost every day. Due to this growing competition, the prices of the older versions fall rapidly as the market has to give way to the newer models.