Thursday, 18 June 2020 13:38

How to build an effective investment portfolio

Scotch whisky casks Scotch whisky casks

During the turmoil in financial markets, it is particularly visible how important for the investment’s effectiveness is the diversification of the portfolio, which gives it stability and allows to reduce the losses during a crisis point. It also often allows you to get a higher rate of return.

Investors seeking to reduce the risk should ensure the diversity of assets in their investment portfolio, so that they have the lowest coefficient of correlation of the returns. It is necessary to include alternative assets with low correlation with traditional financial instruments in the portfolio. Even a small share of this type of assets in the portfolio can change its character and limit the risk arising from fluctuations on financial markets.

One of the most effective class of alternative assets in the portfolio diversification process are Scotch whisky casks. Their attractiveness comes from high independence and stable market growth in recent years. They enable the diversification of portfolio while achieving various investment goals. Scotch whisky is a good investment for those seeking to achieve a satisfactory return on investment as well as those seeking a safe, long-term investment of capital.

– Recent years have shown a clear increase in the interest in investing in Scotch whisky casks. Investors are looking for stable and independent markets, but an additional advantage is securing those investments with physical assets and their increase in value over time – says Krzysztof Maruszewski, the founder and the President of Stilnovisti. – Whisky proved to be resistant to the turmoil in the markets caused by the economic crisis in 2007-2009 and also during the SARS epidemic in 2002-2003, which certainly translates into an even greater demand from investors on these assets at the time of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Scotch whisky casks are treated as a safe haven that will allow them to survive a difficult time – adds CEO of Stilnovisti.

By diversifying and incorporating Scotch whisky casks into your portfolio, your investments can become more safe and profitable.

If you want to learn more about the whisky investments – contact Stilnovisti advisor.


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