It’s exactly due to these potentially devastating circumstances that one needs to be prepared, by having an enduring power of attorney at the ready. This crucial document will ensure that one’s family continues to be able to function properly, even if one is unable to. Naturally, it has to have been prepared in advance, before anything terrible has actually happened. It is a document that is as important as having a legally valid will, or even life insurance.enduring power of attorney
Make Life as Easy for Your Family as Possible
Obviously, no one ever expects the worst to happen, and yet sometimes it does. In these situations, the family should not be put at risk because no one is legally entitled to act on your behalf, should you be incapacitated for any reason. The LPA that you thoughtfully created some time back, and possibly even forgot about, will come in extremely handy at this point. With that, the individual or individuals that you have selected as your representatives (or legally referred to as your Attorneys) will be able to make sure that your household bills are paid, including your mortgage, and that life for your family can continue on as normally as possible, given the circumstances.
There are other situations that you need to consider. If you have your own business, or partnership with others, the entire company’s future could be affected by your inability to function properly. Once again, the LPA can come to the rescue, allowing your Attorneys to help manage the business, sign any documents on your behalf, and even manage some of the more sophisticated and delicate affairs of the company itself. It goes without saying that those that you choose as your Attorneys should be people that you have known for a long time and trust implicitly. After all, you are placing your life in their hands, and that only your life, but the welfare of your entire family, and even potentially the successful continuation of your business.
Discussing the Unimaginable Is Important
Given the fact that you are placing a tremendous responsibility, and potentially a burden, on those that you would like to designate as your Attorneys in your enduring power of attorney,it is important that you speak to them in advance about what you’re thinking of doing. Since they ultimately have to sign the document anyway, it makes sense to give them time to consider what you’re asking of them before they commit.