Saturday, 02 October 2021 17:44

What is an Energy Audit, and what is it for?

Energy Audit Energy Audit

An energy audit is a real analysis of the facility and a series of calculations in which the condition of the property is examined in terms of energy before and after modernization.

It presents proposals for the modernization of the heating system and preparation of hot tap water, building insulation, and the effects of these works, which will reduce heating costs. A properly conducted energy audit can help to optimize the energy consumption of the heating system in a building so that it is as efficient as possible and generates the lowest possible costs.

The energy audit finds and identifies weaknesses that affect the highest thermal energy consumption of a building and allows you to organize information about the current energy consumption and to assess the current state of central heating and hot water installations, all building envelopes and ventilation systems.

We have various energy audits:

  • Thermo-modernization energy audit
  •  Energy efficiency audit
  •  Renovation audit
  •  Enterprise energy audit (industrial)

The thermo-modernization energy audit allows you to organize information about the current energy consumption and assess the current state of:

  • all building envelopes, e.g. walls, roof, etc.,
  • central heating installations,
  • installations for the preparation of domestic hot water
  • Ventilation

It is obvious that each thermal modernization work reduces energy consumption in the building, but sometimes it is problematic to correctly determine the insulation thickness for a specific building partition in accordance with the current technical requirements of WT 2021. Many investors are also wondering which of the modernization works will bring the greatest energy savings with the lowest cost. It indicates which of the planned thermo-modernization works will bring the greatest energy savings with the lowest possible rate of return on costs.

In the energy audit, the final report includes recommendations (variants), the selection and implementation of which will increase the energy improvement at a certain level, depending on the number of works and costs of these thermo-modernization works.

Typical proposals for thermo-modernization of buildings include activities such as:

  • modernization of central heating installations,
  • modernization of hot utility water installations
  • insulation of external partitions,
  • replacement of windows and doors
  • modernization of ventilation.

Who should be commissioned to perform the audit?

Contrary to many online opinions, the audit for the Polish nationwide thermal modernization program "Clean Air" is not obligatory, but it is worth doing it many times, be sure of what you are doing and that the subsidy will not be lost. When we have a government subsidy for the energy audit in the future, it would be worth making sure that the document will be made correctly and in accordance with applicable legal and construction regulations, the results will be reliable and truthful. The energy audit should be performed by qualified, experienced people. The costs of such an energy audit up to the amount of PLN 1000 are reimbursed in 100% and the company CEB.COM.PL by performing such an energy audit will additionally help in completing the application in the part related to the energy audit.


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