Global leaders in industries related to laboratory equipment, nuclear instruments and protection in the oil and gas sector are well aware of the importance of professional equipment. Due to the specificity of these industries, it is necessary to use innovative solutions to detect and measure elements that are difficult to sample, such as DNA, gases, or ionizing radiation.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019 13:47

Cybercriminals target global tourism industry

Every September 27th, travelers celebrate the international World Tourism Day. The tourism landscape has changed immensely since the first such celebration in 1980, with the internet becoming inevitable for travelers and travel agents. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNTWO), in 2018, eighty-four percent of travelers booked their holiday through bundling sites like Expedia or Kayak instead of contacting hotels and airlines.

Non-ferrous metals are alloys which do not contain iron. These include brass, high-nickel brass, bronze, and also coloured metals such as copper, aluminium, tin, lead, zinc, silver, gold, bronze and brass. They have very diverse properties and are therefore widely used in various industries, from aeronautics, through medicine, to the food industry.

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